Train2Game News: Gearbox co-founder Brian Martel on getting into the industry – “Mods are a great way to start”

Gearbox Software co-founder and company CCO Brian Martel believes modding is a great way for aspiring game developers to gain the skills needed to break into the industry.

“Mods are a great way to start; because that way you can build a community, figure out what it’s like to work with other people.” he told The Train2Game Blog at a recent Borderlands 2 preview event.

“It’s one thing when you’re on your own in your bedroom, garage, whatever, and you’re doing your own thing. But once you start working with people, collaborating and understanding how to make those compromises you have to make, sometimes some of the best things come out of those compromises, they come out of the discussion, because two different people have disparate ideas and you can’t get that on your own.”  Martel continued.

“I think that’s where small teams are really great to do that, and even in large teams, having really great experienced leaders can help that, and the only way to get there is by doing it and getting through it and learning what to do.” he added.

Our full interview with Gearbox Software co-founder Brian Martel will be published shortly, with more from the studio here.

DayZ creator Dean “Rocket” Hall also recently spoke to The Train2Game Blog about the benefits of modding.

Modding is a great way for Train2Game students to practice and show off their skills, and there’s a lot more about it here on The Train2Game Blog, including what ValveUbisoft and  id Software told us about it.

What are your thoughts on Brian Martel’s advice?

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