Train2Game news: Bioshock Infinite director Ken Levine talks game design with Uncharted writer Amy Hennig

Tran2Game students can get an excellent insight into game design, thanks to a podcast featuring Irrational Games’ Ken Levine in conversation with Naughty Dog’s Amy Hennig. Ken Levine is the Creative Director of the upcoming Bioshock Infinite, while Amy Hennig … Continue reading

Train2Game news: Animation can be better than dialogue in games writing says Chris Avellone

Game designers often make the mistake of using dialogue to in games writing, when animation can be better than words. That’s according to Obsidian Entertainment Creative Director Chris Avellone, whose credits include Fallout 2, Neverwinter Nights and Fallout: New Vegas. … Continue reading

Train2Game news: Two UK studios nominated for Writers Guild of America awards

Train2Game students may be pleased to learn that two UK developed video games are among this year’s nominees for the annual Writers Guild of America Awards. As the name suggests, the awards are usually dominated by American games, but not … Continue reading

Train2Game news: Interesting Guardian feature on women in game development

Train2Game students should have a look at this article on the The Guardian website. Titled ‘Game changers: the women who make video games’ it features some of the best female game development talent out there and examines what can be … Continue reading

Train2Game news: Uncharted 3 director on story vs. gameplay

Train2Game blog readers may see Uncharted 3 as one of the most impressive, story driven games on the PlayStation 3, but some out there criticise it for its linearity when compared with RPGs and other open titles. Developer Naughty Dog … Continue reading

An interesting look for Train2Game students behind the scenes of Uncharted 3

While new UK No.1 game – as reported by the Train2Game blog – L.A. Noire may have hit the headlines recently thanks to its impressive Art & Animation techniques, it isn’t the only game out there using motion capture. The … Continue reading

Writing Uncharted 3 a ‘collaborative effort’

Uncharted 3: Drakes’ Deception – one of the Train2Game blogs most anticipated games of the year – features a ‘collaborative effort’ when it comes the storytelling element of the Game Design. That’s what Naughty Dog’s creative director Amy Hennig told Edge … Continue reading